Burt’s Games is a video game development company based out of Hong Kong, currently on the verge of releasing our debut title B.O.O.M. Company.
We bring authentic, high tempo-adventures, strategic quests, gnarly lore, visual bonanzas, and all the lasers, missiles, and explosions for kids of every generation. Our brand of interactive entertainment has us jumping out of the plane and diving into the void along with our players.
Today's gaming world – no different from the boundless digital expanse to which it belongs – leaves consumers with a vast variety of options for everything.
Much of this is just noise.
Players do have endless choices, but too many of them aren't necessarily new... or real.
It's unsettling that some have almost come to accept how developers and publishers game the system and keep players hooked through addictive mechanics that waste your time and drain your money. Avid gamers ourselves, we dig deep into our gaming roots in our desire to bring back the essence of traditional games, and maybe, even try to make them better.
If you have any questions, inquiries, or just want to have a chat, please feel free to drop us a line. We'll try to get back to you as soon as we can!